Today i received an update for LimeSurvey 2.64.1-0068 for my Synology DS415+
The update supports MariaDB 10. After i update my MariaDB 10 i ran the LimeSurvey update and after the update i could not connect to my LimeSurvey database anymore
Internal Server Error
The table "{{settings_global}}" for active record class "SettingGlobal" cannot be found in the database.
Is the a way to fix this problem without taking down my database records (surveys i made and the results)
i fear i have a much bigger problem
i used phpMyAdmin to enter the MariaDB10 and there the @........Survey is completely empty?!
In MariaDB5 the database doesn't have any backup because of the migration to MariaDB10.
Is the a way to fix this?! (noob question. Answer is probably no )
i just found an backup of my LimeSurvey database! i imported it via phpMyAdmin and limeSurvey is up and running again. My home made survey is stil there and my survey user tabel is back again.
pfieuw! That made my day!